Environment and Us
Baskallar believes that the control of hazardous waste is a must for the protection of environment. In these terms, our company meticulously applies all the production process measures which will minimize the company’s production wastes. Our sensitive approach towards the consumption of limited natural resources is also relevant for the energy, usage and recycling of materials.
For a sustainable future, Baskallar Automotive and its personnel aim to reduce the environmental impacts resulted from our production activities and protect the environment and natural sources. In this context we commit;
~ To adapting national and international legal regulations and principles about environment,
~ To protecting environment, to using materials and technology that do not damage human health and environment,
~ To implementing and improving the Environment Management System within the framework of our defined objectives,
~ To using of natural resources in an optimum way and preventing pollution before it occurs, in accordance with the continuous improvement approach,
~ To increasing of environmental sensitivity through the training and supervising our employees.